£20.00 GBP
Whitelist (Paid) (0 موجود است)

This will give you an automatic whitelist to our server and exmpts you from the application process. Please note that this does not give you any exceptions towards the rules. All rules still apply and you will be treated the same as those who have applied via the application.

Please note - this is a subscription and you will be charged at the same price monthly on the same date of purchase.

£12.00 GBP
100 Points

This item with give you 100 points on our queue priority system for one month and can be stacked. This will be added to the CSN number you provide at the point of purchase.

Please note - this item is a one-time purchase and only lasts for one month

£25.00 GBP
250 Points

This item with give you 250 points on our queue priority system for one month and can be stacked. This will be added to the CSN number you provide at the point of purchase.

Please note - this item is one-time purchase and only lasts for one month

£50.00 GBP
500 Points

This item with give you 500 points on our queue priority system for one month and can be stacked. This will be added to the CSN number you provide at the point of purchase.

Please note - this item is one-time purchase and only lasts for one month